Dr Jane Russell – U.K
Jane lives in the Northwest of England and is the hearing mother of deaf and hearing triplets, now in their early twenties. She is a member of both the U.K. National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) and the British Deaf Association (BDA). Jane was a founder and parent committee member of Sign Hi Say Hi! formally Fylde Deaf Children’s Society, a local support group for parents and activities club for deaf children.
Jane previously worked in commercial, customer support and strategy roles for a systems company before having children. She has a degree in Commerce, a graduate diploma in Deaf Studies, and Level 3 in British Sign Language. Jane recently completed a UK Research Council (ESRC) funded Doctorate in Philosophy, studying with Social Research with Deaf People (SORD), a team of deaf & hearing researchers, at the University of Manchester. Her thesis, a qualitative study using auto-ethnographic approach using her lived experience is “We don’t know what we don’t know”. How do hearing parents understand good outcomes for their deaf children? A hearing parent’s perspective’.
Jane has been a GPODHH member since 2014.