The Global Coalition of Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (GPODHH) invites membership applications from parent organisations supporting children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families.
Membership is free.
Why become a member of GPODHH?
Through the sharing, creation and management of knowledge around issues, GPODHH enables representatives and their organisations to:
- Participate in global advocacy to improve the lives of children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families
- Solve problems that are too challenging to solve alone
- Continue learning and building their knowledge
- Access expertise from other parent leaders
- Improve communication with peers
- Network to keep current with research and development
- Enhance organisational reputation
Who can join?
GPODHH has three levels of membership:
Full Member
Any registered organisation for parents of persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may apply for Full Member status.
The organisation must be:
- a not-for-profit organisation,
- led by parents,
- vision and values similar to those of GPODHH, and
- not have any purposes contrary to the purposes of GPODHH.
Full Member rights include:
- Voting rights
- Right to notice of meetings and to attend GPODHH bi-monthly meetings
- Right to access communication channels
- Right to access key documents
- Right to nominate and hold formal roles in the organisation
- Right to participate in GPODHH events
Associate Member
Any organisation for parents of persons who are deaf or hard of hearing that does not meet the criteria to become a Full Member may apply for Associate Member status.
The organisation must have:
- vision and values similar to those of GPODHH and
- not have any purposes contrary to the purposes of GPODHH.
Associate Member Representatives rights include:
- Observer privilege at GPODHH meetings
- Right to notice of meetings to attend GPODHH bi-monthly meetings
- Right to participate in GPODHH events
Individual member
Individual parents who wish to support GPODHH, its vision and aims, can apply for membership. Each application will be judged on its merit.
Individual Member rights include:
- Observer privilege at GPODHH meetings
- Right to notice of meetings to attend GPODHH bi-monthly meetings
- Right to participate in GPODHH events
Other rights will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Download: GPODHH Membership Application Form (Individual member)
Member Representatives – eligibility and responsibilities
Full and Associate member organisation must nominate one (1) parent leader (Parent Representative) to participate in GPODHH activities. The representative must be a parent of a person who is deaf or hard of hearing.
All member Representatives are expected to actively participate in the activities and discussions of GPODHH
- Member representatives strive to create an environment of trust and to foster insightful, constructive discussion of ideas and experiences
- Member representatives are active participants in the GPODHH community
- Member representatives contribute to the GPODHH community through their experiences, skills, and time
- Member representatives distribute leadership responsibilities and collectively share in the management of the GPODHH community
What happens after you apply?
An email of acknowledgement from GPODHH will be sent to the nominated email address. The GPODHH leadership considers all membership applications and will notify you within 60 days if your application is successful. All decisions made by the GPODHH leadership on membership applications are final.