Ann Porter is the founder of
Aussie Deaf Kids - a not-for-profit organisation providing online support and information to families raising children who are deaf or hard of hearing in Australia. She is a founding member of GPODHH. Ann’s youngest daughter lost her hearing at age 7 and she became involved in local parent groups from this time. She has served on the boards of a number of parent and consumer bodies in Australia. She is a member of the Australasian Newborn Hearing Screening Committee and has represented the voice of parents on a number of government committees and working groups, including the Hearing Health Sector Committee responsible for the development of the
Roadmap for Hearing Health endorsed by the Council of Australian Governments Health Council on March 8, 2019. Ann is currently doing a PhD investigating parent decision-making and decision support tools through the School of Applied Psychology at Griffith University. She has a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy and a Master of eHealthcare. She has authored a couple of journal articles and book chapters on parental decision-making. Ann was appointed as a Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia in 2013 for her significant service to people who are deaf or hard of hearing through executive and advocacy roles.